Create a Command

First let's create a sorci instance

import { SorciPostgres, Sorci, SorciEvent } from "sorci";

// I'll assume the stream already exist
// so no need to call sorci.createStream()
const sorci: Sorci = new SorciPostgres({
host: "localhost",
port: 54322,
user: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
database: "postgres",
streamName: "sorci-school",

Here is a fonctional exemple without any Dependency Injection

export type SubscribeToCoursePayload = {
studentId: string;
courseId: string;

// Domain Rules :
// The course should exist
// The student should exist
// The student should not be already subscribed to the course
// The course should not be full
export const subscribeToCourse = async (payload: SubscribeToCoursePayload) => {
const query = {
// For simplicity, we will assume that there are no events for "course-deleted", "student-deleted", or "course-unsubscribed"
types: [
identifiers: [
{ studentId: payload.studentId },
{ courseId: payload.courseId },

// We need to get all the events that are necessary to check the domain rules
const necessaryEvent = await sorci.getEventsByQuery(query);

const isCourseCreated = necessaryEvent.some(
(event) => event.type === "course-created"
if (!isCourseCreated) throw new Error("The course does not exist");

const doesStudentExist = necessaryEvent.some(
(event) => event.type === "student-created"
if (!doesStudentExist) throw new Error("The student does not exist");

const isStudentAlreadySubscribed = necessaryEvent.some(
(event) =>
event.type === "course-subscribed" &&
event.studentId === payload.studentId
if (isStudentAlreadySubscribed)
throw new Error("The student is already subscribed to this course");

const subscribedStudentsCount = necessaryEvent.filter(
(event) => event.type === "course-subscribed"

const lastCourseCapacityChanged = necessaryEvent.findLast(
(event) => event.type === "course-capacity-changed"

const initialCourseCapacity = necessaryEvent.find(
(event) => event.type === "course-created"

const courseCapacity =
lastCourseCapacityChanged.newCapacity || initialCourseCapacity;

const isCourseFull = courseCapacity >= subscribedStudentsCount;
if (isCourseFull) throw new Error("The course is full");

const courseSubscribed = SorciEvent.create({
type: "course-subscribed",
data: {
studentId: payload.studentId,
courseId: payload.courseId,

await sorci.appendEvent({
sourcingEvent: courseSubscribed,
// We pass the same query as in the start of the command.
// So if new events are added in the stream while this command was running it will not be able to persist, we will be notified
// When the database try to persit, if the last event of the stream is not the same as the last event of the query, it will throw an error
eventIdentifier: necessaryEvent[necessaryEvent.length - 1].id,

Same exemple but with a small aggregate that will compute necessary states

export type SubscribeToCoursePayload = {
studentId: string;
courseId: string;

// Simple "aggregate"
// It could be usefull only for this command/decision
// or exported and use for every command/decision
// that require the same types of events
class Course {
constructor(public sourcingEvent: PersistedEvent[]) {}

private get firstEvent() {
return this.sourcingEvent[0];

private get lastEvent() {
return this.sourcingEvent[this.sourcingEvent.length - 1];

get id() {

get eventIdentifier() {

get capacity() {
const initialCapacity =;
const capacityChangedEvents = this.sourcingEvent.filter((event) => {
return event.type === "course-capacity-changed";

const lastCapacityChangedEvent =
capacityChangedEvents[capacityChangedEvents.length - 1];

return initialCapacity ||;

get isFull() {
const subscribedStudentsCount = this.sourcingEvent.filter(
(event) => event.type === "course-subscribed"

return subscribedStudentsCount >= this.capacity;

get studentSubscribedIds() {
return this.sourcingEvent
.filter((event) => event.type === "course-subscribed")
.map((event) =>;

isStudentSubscribed(studentId: string) {
return this.studentSubscribedIds.includes(studentId);

// Domain Rules :
// The course should exist
// The student should exist
// The student should not be already subscribed to the course
// The course should not be full
export const subscribeToCourse = async (payload: SubscribeToCoursePayload) => {
const query = {
// For simplicity, we will assume that there are no events for "course-deleted", "student-deleted", or "course-unsubscribed"
types: [
identifiers: [
{ studentId: payload.studentId },
{ courseId: payload.courseId },

// We need to get all the events that are necessary to check the domain rules
const necessaryEvent = await sorci.getEventsByQuery(query);

const isCourseCreated = necessaryEvent.some(
(event) => event.type === "course-created"
if (!isCourseCreated) throw new Error("The course does not exist");

const doesStudentExist = necessaryEvent.some(
(event) => event.type === "student-created"
if (!doesStudentExist) throw new Error("The student does not exist");

const course = new Course(necessaryEvent);

if (course.isStudentSubscribed(payload.studentId))
throw new Error("The student is already subscribed to this course");

if (course.isFull) throw new Error("The course is full");

const courseSubscribed = Sorci.createEvent({
type: "course-subscribed",
data: {
studentId: payload.studentId,

await sorci.appendEvent({
sourcingEvent: courseSubscribed,
// We pass the same query as in the start of the command.
// So if new events are added in the stream while this command was running it will not be able to persist, we will be notified
// When the database try to persit, if the last event of the stream is not the same as the last event of the query, it will throw an error
eventIdentifier: course.eventIdentifier,

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